Formal Verification of WETH
I traveled back to China a couple of weeks ago. It is a beautiful time after the application period, and it is nice to return to my homeland after one year at Wisconsin-Madison; it is worth a blog to
Amazon Aurora
PaperVerbitski, A., Gupta, A., Saha, D., Brahmadesam, M., Gupta, K., Mittal, R., … & Bao, X. (2017, May). Amazon aurora: Design considerations for high throughput cloud-native relational databases
Logging (Aries)
1 Durability–Why we need LoggingLet’s first consider a NaiveDB,-step 1: Admit one transaction T-step 2: Execute T to completion-step 3: Atomically flush T’s writes to disk-step 4: Admit the next trans
COMP 571
ProgrammingWeek 1 HTML hyper-text markup language, defines the structure of the web, make up of a series of “elements” defined by “tags”. Each element can have a unique id attribute, used for CSS and
COMP 320
(我也不知道为什么要做 COMP 320 的 Notes,这感觉就像在我这个年纪学习如何上厕所) Repoducibility Each process owns address space. (one huge list) Multiple lists start at different address in address space; normally, append is faster
ECE 252
Week 1Universal Compute Turing Machine: any computable computation can be implemented by some machine Universal Turing Machine: A programmable computer is effectively a Universal Turing Machine (minus